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Hey kids! Come dig the pretties and the zitties... and most definitely the gritties on an all-new episode of Crashing the Party killer-diller flat-out thrillers! Speeds may exceed 45 RPM, so fasten your seatbelts, please! Varoom - lets go!

Giddy-up a ding-dong as hosts Marc and Miriam ride alternating shotgun at the hard core candy store- all original vocal group rhythm an' blues zitties and pretties for you - our last show of this old year - next blast rings in the new with loads of extra grease!

Doo-wop slam, slop and bop, always well-lubed with grease, grit and GRIME— come check out the action traction, complete with playlists and ballyhoo. Crashing comes to you from the Kicksville crew with hosts Marc and Miriam, with our resident genius engineer Matt Clarke making us sound good! 

CTP plays every Monday and Saturday at 5PM Eastern at Kicksville Radio and ITunes too, plus every episode is archived here at Crashing HQ! Hosts Marc and Miriam go nuts with vocal group cool to make you drool — dig our entire archive of doowop deliciousness, derangement, and delightfulness (and playlists) at our CTP archive!

All shows at

Click links below to listen to all 129 two-hour archived radio blasts 24/7

Podomatic | Mixcloud | ApplePodcasts | RSS

tune in to our affiliates too…

Wed 9-11 AM Eastern at WPKN 89.5 FM
Thurs 6-8 PM Eastern at Luxuria Music

Sat 5-7 PM Eastern at Kicksville Radio
Sundays 5-7PM Eastern at The Hound NYC

Mon 5-7 PM Eastern at Kicksville Radio

*kicksville is at itunes*

(round da clock • alla da time)



CRASHING THE PARTY blows a hole into any preconceived notions of Doo-Wop - original vocal group music. Hosts Marc and Miriam spin rarities and obscurities from their respective collections of shellac in unscripted wild rides that are sure to surprise, amuse, and excite the heck out of listeners. Read more here.


MIRIAM LINNA is the wax maven at New York record label, Norton Records and publisher of Kicks Books and Kicks Magazine, endeavors which exist to celebrate the unsung heroes of rock n' roll music. Miriam loves to hoard records, play records, and rave about records, and is particularly hopped up about the Doo-Wop sounds of New York City and Parts Unknown!

MARC MILLER spent most of his life in and around music. He started buying records at age five. He's a little older now and shows no signs of quitting. After managing record stores in high school and college, Marc landed a job at famed WBCN, Boston when he was 19. There he was the Music Director and a DJ in addition to being a producer. Marc left Boston to help put WXRK (K-Rock, New York) on the air for which he is still doing penance. There he was a DJ, Assistant Program Director, and morning show producer. After a few years he gratefully accepted an offer to help start up MUZE, a music database company where he stayed for 20 years. He and his records reside in an undisclosed location in New England.